High Power IED Jammers
High Power IED Jammers
In order to meet growing RF spectral threats exploited by terrorist and criminal bomb makers, we now build an extended series of IED Jammers. The VIP 300TE is our trunk mounted RCIED Jammer countering these high frequency range RF threats without decreasing RF jamming power output.
The system fits covertly in the rear of most vehicles used for security details and convoys traveled by Diplomatic and VIP users. Built on a modular architecture, our enhanced IED Jammers are able to give off proper modulation rates with extended power levels required to suppress radio triggers found in remote controlled roadside bombs.
The extended frequency coverage of these IED Jammers and the increased modular supplement make for a very powerful, focused response to the growing threat of remote controlled IED weapons. Coverage provided is designed without any frequency gaps, ensuring the full jamming protection is broadcast over entire covered frequency bands.
Each module produces barrage jamming over a known threat band and radiates through its own separate high - efficiency omni-directional antenna. Every module contains its own Exciter, Power Amplifier and DC-to-DC Converter.
Altogether the modules in these IED Jammers, specifically the VIP300TE, make up a system that covers the entire frequency spectrum from high HF, through the VHF and UHF bands, and the lower Microwave allocations used for cellular phones, Wireless LAN.
A low profile antenna array is custom built for the VIP300TE series. The system is trunk mounted by our trained installers, generally on SUV type Vehicles. This trunk mounted RCIED Jammer employs high speed random frequency sweeping technology (Proprietary to the Bomb Jammer ™ RCIED Defeat series).
Note: The descriptions of our products and systems are published for informative purposes only. They are considered non-restricted. However, members of law enforcement organizations, certain government agencies, and their respective vendors may contact us for additional information, live demonstrations, and custom solutions should they be required. NOTE: IT IS ILLEGAL TO JAM ANY RADIO SIGNAL IN THE UNITED STATES.
Legal Notice from United Kingdom and United States legal affairs: All Bomb Jamming devices, IED Jamming devices, RF Jamming devices, and RCIED Jamming devices in part or whole are strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines in the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) per title 22, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 120-130 . Therefore, if you are outside the United States of America, an export license must be obtained. All sales and shipping are subject to license approval by US Department of State.
For IED Jammer, RF Jammer, and RCIED Jammer sales outside of the United States, you may Contact Us