Bomb Jammer
Bomb Jammer
The Bomb Jammer ™ is a radio signal bomb jamming system. This type of RF Jammer is used to defeat RCIED threats also known as radio controlled improvised explosive device threats. The origins of our Bomb Jammer VIP 300WOTS series stem from our first Bomb Jammer that was designed back in 1978. Since then, the RF Jammer design has gone through many changes, all corresponding to the updated technological threats found in modern day improvised explosive device composition.
It is important to note that RCIED threats our BombJammer works to block are not always known. Many EOD solutions focus on bomb detection, the frequencies that an RCIED Jammer is able to block, the distances, yet the answers may not always be known due to the sub-standard nature of IED weapons. Explaining the nomenclature of an improvised bomb, there are very few consistencies that bomb makers follow.
Bearing that in mind, multi-band RF Jammer that is designed to attack the whole spectrum of frequencies is exactly the type of system that more counter IED users are choosing. With the increase of attack by radio controlled improvised explosive device in stable countries, government security users are turning to our radio signal bomb jamming system. They want the full protection afforded by the BombJammer ™ line, and the VIP 300WOTS is able to accommodate the need for RCIED defeat of current threats, including IEDs found in cell phones, walkie talkies, and satellite phones.
For a full list of threats our RF Jammer can defeat, read more about the RF signal jammer series as well as our Bomb Jammer VIP 300WOTS or Contact Us. Note: The descriptions of our products and systems are published for informative purposes only. They are considered non-restricted. However, members of law enforcement organizations, certain government agencies, and their respective vendors may contact us for additional information, live demonstrations, and custom solutions should they be required. NOTE: IT IS ILLEGAL TO JAM ANY RADIO SIGNAL IN THE UNITED STATES.
Legal Notice from United Kingdom and United States legal affairs: All Bomb Jamming devices, IED Jamming devices, RF Jamming devices, and RCIED Jamming devices in part or whole are strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines in the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) per title 22, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 120-130 . Therefore, if you are outside the United States of America, an export license must be obtained. All sales and shipping are subject to license approval by US Department of State.
For IED Jammer, RF Jammer, and RCIED Jammer sales outside of the United States, you may Contact Us