Backpack Jammer
The Backpack Jammer can be used by protective forces conducting radio jamming. Although the intended goal is the defeat of remote controlled weapons, the Backpack Jammer is not just an IED Jammer. This system is also able to interfere with communication equipment.
From one perspective, the system is an RCIED jammer. But, when taking into account that enemy combatants use radio equipment and wireless telemetry as well as phone equipment, this Backpack Jammer can also be used for alternate radio jamming applications.
Because the system is man-portable, there is a limitation the user should be aware of; the operating time is limited to the battery that comes with each Backpack Jammer. While we can offer a standard configuration, some users order custom batteries for extended operating times. With an increase in battery type, there will generally be an increase in the weight of the system.
Note: The descriptions of our products and systems are published for informative purposes only. They are considered non-restricted. However, members of law enforcement organizations, certain government agencies, and their respective vendors may contact us for additional information, live demonstrations, and custom solutions should they be required. NOTE: IT IS ILLEGAL TO JAM ANY RADIO SIGNAL IN THE UNITED STATES.
Legal Notice from United Kingdom and United States legal affairs: All Bomb Jamming devices, IED Jamming devices, RF Jamming devices, and RCIED Jamming devices in part or whole are strictly regulated by the US Department of State in accordance with the guidelines in the International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) per title 22, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 120-130 . Therefore, if you are outside the United States of America, an export license must be obtained. All sales and shipping are subject to license approval by US Department of State.
For IED Jammer, RF Jammer, and RCIED Jammer sales outside of the United States, you may Contact Us